viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008

The beginning

It has been 3 weeks since we already started the IMBA (November intake). The first two weeks we had the “Launch Program” which for me was a great experience but had generated a lot of controversy in the student’s community (I might speak about it in a different occasion). This week the real stuff has begun. We have so much material to read that all the students are going crazy. Now I am not able to keep the party as I did last two weeks, but don’t worry I think that my fellow students and I will find our way. ☺
Today I had the Information System class. During the class the professor started talking about the Blogs and how the Corporations and Firms are introducing this new media to their agenda. I found the class fascinating because we had a great debate about two very interesting subjects: the truthfulness of the information posted in a Blog and how the Enterprises should use this new resource.
I even remember when I asked if I could start a Blog about my life at IE and he said: “Yes, of course, but be aware of what you post because our lawyers will be watching”. All the class started laughing but those words really got me. After the class I started thinking of blogging my real experience at IE.
I talked to some classmates about the idea and they thought it was interesting but I should be careful because it could backfire at me. How? Well very simple, if I started criticizing IE it will diminish its reputation and could be hard to find a job after the big investment we did.
I have thought about those words and conclude that I should take the risk. As we say in Spanish “¿Quién dijo miedo?”. IE is a great institution with great attributes (adaptability, innovative, etc) and flaws. I want to talk about both in the most neutral way possible.
So this is how this Blog has born. I hope you find it interesting and invite you to comment on it.
Now I got to run because I have to study.

6 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Heyho! Really nice idea! See you at one of the parties!! I'm sure we'll manage to handle both duties: studies and social life!

Saludo, Jördis

Francisco dijo...

Hi Paco
Excelente idea and very good introduction.
I am sure that will be many subjects to fill your blog.
Congratulations and be the reporter of our journey.
See you Monday

Carlos Montero dijo...

Good idea, Paco!
I'm suscribing so keep it up :)

Reyíus dijo...

Brilliant idea!!! That´s just the beginning, as you wrote... Don´t leave it. That´s another way to discover you and your life being so far away...Thanks!

Unknown dijo...

Espero leer historias buenas
felicidades por la iniciativa

klk dijo...

hola fransico te toy leyendo! y que no tengas miedo de decir lo que vos queres decir. cual seria mejor: callar y aceptar lo que no te gusta o expresar tus opiniones con libertad para que sepan lo bueno y lo malo? si escribes solo lo bueno, en mi opinion perdes la credibilidad porque no muestras ambos lados. y que importa si hay alguien del ie que llora? va a bajar el "imagen" de nuestra universidad? No hay ninguno que ha dicho algo malo de la universidad antes de vos? Siempre hay quejas...y tal vez las pueden aceptar y hacer algo para mejorar..

suerte con tu blogging!
