sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

Another Blog I found on the same subject

Philipp Hasskamp a German classmate of mine has another Blog about his experience in IE. Although is in German I believe it can be useful for you guys that speak that language. http://mba-madrid.blogspot.com.

Have a good weekend.

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008

The beginning

It has been 3 weeks since we already started the IMBA (November intake). The first two weeks we had the “Launch Program” which for me was a great experience but had generated a lot of controversy in the student’s community (I might speak about it in a different occasion). This week the real stuff has begun. We have so much material to read that all the students are going crazy. Now I am not able to keep the party as I did last two weeks, but don’t worry I think that my fellow students and I will find our way. ☺
Today I had the Information System class. During the class the professor started talking about the Blogs and how the Corporations and Firms are introducing this new media to their agenda. I found the class fascinating because we had a great debate about two very interesting subjects: the truthfulness of the information posted in a Blog and how the Enterprises should use this new resource.
I even remember when I asked if I could start a Blog about my life at IE and he said: “Yes, of course, but be aware of what you post because our lawyers will be watching”. All the class started laughing but those words really got me. After the class I started thinking of blogging my real experience at IE.
I talked to some classmates about the idea and they thought it was interesting but I should be careful because it could backfire at me. How? Well very simple, if I started criticizing IE it will diminish its reputation and could be hard to find a job after the big investment we did.
I have thought about those words and conclude that I should take the risk. As we say in Spanish “¿Quién dijo miedo?”. IE is a great institution with great attributes (adaptability, innovative, etc) and flaws. I want to talk about both in the most neutral way possible.
So this is how this Blog has born. I hope you find it interesting and invite you to comment on it.
Now I got to run because I have to study.